Sunday, June 6, 2010

My Dog Had Puppies

My dog Minnie had eight black and yellow puppies. She had five girl black labs and three yellow male labs. I like to hold them and watch them squeal in their little bed. She attracted a lot of people and she love all the attention. We found out because at 9:30 she had her first boy.


Monday, May 24, 2010

Bounce On

Bounce on is a game on the itouch that is really fun. You might of heard of it. It's a game that you are a red fuzz ball and you try to complete levels in a world that has a lot of really weird creaturs.

Graffies With Room 5

Today was fun because we made giraffes with room 5. I made my giraffes with MR and EH. We got to add the spots and other stuff on giraffes of course. This is how Mrs. Straughan got the idea. First we went there for reading so Mrs. Straughan read us a book, when she read about the giraffes she said, "let's all make giraffes" so we did and they look great.

Giraffe Art

On May 12, 2010 we went to RM 5. It was fun. We listened to a story and drew a giraffe. Then went to recess.

Our Gift to Mrs.Thorne

Our class is giving a book to Mrs. Thorne. It is called Party Anmials. Mrs. Schimel said she would not read it to us because she was hoping that Mrs. Thorne can read it to us for a lesson. But Mrs. Schimel read us two short pages and what it was about. I think Mrs. Thorne will like it.

Mrs. G Brings Africa to Us

Mrs. G came to our classroom and Mrs Altman's and Mrs Straughan's classes came to our room too. Mrs. G. told us some stories about her Africa trips, she went there five times. She had some of the kids come up, I was one of them. She had us pretend to be animals to help tell her stories. She brought fun things from Africa to show us. One of her stories was where she felt something go up her leg in her bed and it turned out being a wrinkle in her bed.

Funny Picturs

Today we took picturs. Then tomorrow we are going to draw on the picturs. Like mustashes and beards.
By JC & ER

Sunday, May 23, 2010

LD Collecting Teddy Bears & Books

LD is going to a pageant and she has to give one book and one teddy bear away. And her mom JD had a idea and her idea was to make a collection of teddy bears and books. To give to the police officers and for them to give to children like if there parents got in a car wreck and got injured badly then the cop will give them a teddy bear and a book. Then the kids would feel a whole lot better. And also like if there parents got burnt up in a fire then the firefighter would give them a book and a teddy bear and take them to there grand parents house. LD is helping the people a lot and making a BIG differences to the world!

By LD & VS

Tuesday, May 18, 2010

Africa Animal Reports & Africa Videos

We looked up some things about africa animals for animal report. Then Mrs. Schimel told us that we are going to make a book that say the Habitat for the animal, Appearance what the animal looks like, it's Diet, 3 Somthing Specials, its Enemies and Suvival Status. Our class is making a who am I african animals video too. On the front of our books we draw a picture of the animal that we are studying.
By KB and TD

Paper Cupcakes

In our classroom there are paper cupcakes on the wall, to know when it is our birthday. On the paper cupcakes there is the months names and on the candles there are the classes names. KBs birthday and ERs birthday are both on June 11th. TDs birthday is the only one in January. No ones birthday is in November. The paper cupcakes are green, blue, pink, purple and turquoise.
On the outside theres stars. On top of the paper cupcakes there is paper frosting, on top of the paper frosting there are paper sprinkles too.
By KB and TD

Math Baseball on 5-18-10 7:45 AM

We did math baseball and there was two teams one is called team 1 and the other one was team 2 and my CR team WON! And I was on his team. And MM was in our class for a while and we had so much fun! And sorry there is no picture I started bloging after we were done playing math baseball.

Wednesday, May 12, 2010

FIre Safety

Last week three firemen came and taught us fire safety tips. We got to see stuff on a firetruck.

Then we got to see and hear about being safe in your house.

The other one taught us about being safe with matches and forest fires.

Learning About Africa

We are learning about Africa this month. I am learning about the Mountain Lion. KS is learning about the water Buffalo. Africa is really fun to learn about.

By GC & KS

Hints Of Something Fun That We Are Doing

We are doing somthing fun can you take a guess? This is your hint the name starst with a M. It is something we learned to draw from reading a book. It is an animal. It is really cute.

Did you guess...Mudge? Yes, we made Mudge, from the Henry and Mudge series. KB started it all with her making her own chapter books about Mudge. Now we all like him and so we made a big Mudge.


Tuesday, May 11, 2010

Cooking With Highschoolers

Some high school students are coming to our school on May 13. It is going to be fun. We are going to make omelets the teacher is CC's mom. We also did dirt cups in kindergarten with them. We get to put our own ingredients in our omelets. We are cooking with the pro star class. It will be very fun.
Pictures coming soon.
By AW,CC and LG

Thursday, May 6, 2010

Goning To Africa

One day the class went to school and we pretended to go to Africa because we are starting a unit about Africa. We went to the gym and sat in some chairs and had popcorn.
We watch a movie and had a lot of fun. We got a stamp on our passports. We got to learn about a lot of animals that live in Africa.

The Laptops Coming Back on May 7th

On May 7th we are getting the laptops back and there are some sites that we are able to do and these are the sites we get to go on., math activities on mrs,schimels web, ,, and games
miscroft Word, and any other games avaliable that Mrs. Schimel sends us to.


Our class is scrapbooking about holidays and fun things. You have to use sheet protectors so the paper does not get ripped. Scrapbooking is fun. I could scrapbook all day if I could. We scrapbook about fun things.

Underground RR

We're learning about the Underground RR. We've read about Harriet Tubman,Barefoot,Almost to freedom,Under the Quilt of Night,Sweet Clara and the freedom Quilt. These are all really good books.

Wednesday, May 5, 2010

KA's New Baby Cusin

KA is getting a new baby cousin. It's due in June around the 24th or 29th. It's going to be a baby girl!! I'm getting to name the nickname it's going to be Leeley. She is already like 3 months along now she is almost due!!! I cant wait until she's due. I wonder what her name will be. My aunt already had another baby girl, she is 2. Her name is Anistasa. She is really funny. I like her. She has blond hair like me. But sometimes she througs a fit and then it's not fun. Last time I went to her house I got to sleep in her bedroom with her. It was a lot of fun. Although she woke me up every morning and night.
By KA & ER

Friday, April 30, 2010

The Very Pretty Butterfly

Listen to this story created by TD, KB, and JC.

The Black Bear

Here is a story that KB and LD wrote and recorded.

Thursday, April 29, 2010

Grandparents Day

Today is grandparents day we get to eat with our grandparents. We get to eat outside. We also get to go to the book fair. We get to have a BBQ. After the BBQ we get to go to recess.
By LG & JS

May Helper Chart

We have a May helper chart that has three animals on it. There are a lot of kids that still have to be a helper. I am very glad that we have a May helper chart.


Wednesday, April 28, 2010

Harriet Tubman

Harriet Tubman was a good person. She helped slaves escape. But when she was a kid she got hit in the head by a wight. She had a scar on her head. When she was better and some times all the sudden she fell fast a sleep for no reason. After she escaped to freedom, she went back to get her sisters family then she went back to get her parents. She got married to Jon. she wanted to escape but Jon did not want to escape and he said "if you run then I will tell your master"Harriet thought she would never see Jon again so at night when Jon was sleeping she escaped. Harriet Tubman helped over 300 slaves escape. She lived to be 93 years old. she died of old age. I think Harriet Tubman is cool, do you ? Her nickname was minty then the slaves said "she is not minty anymore she is Harriet". Harriet liked that. Its a lot of fun to listen to the story. We listened to it once.
By ER & KA

The Bookfair

Today we get to go to the bookfair and see the previews of the books and make a wish list. When we get to the gym where the bookfair is there are people to help us put the books name on the wish list. On the shelves that the books are on there are little tabs that you have to put on your wish list. The letters are A, B, C, D, E and F. Then later maybe your parents will come and get you a book. You can get the books all through today and may 4th. This time it is a buy one get one free.
by KB and TD

Tuesday, April 27, 2010


We made a new blog it is called super techy kids. This one only the class can blog on. Its a lot of fun. We get to blog about anything we want and we don't have to ask. The class has blogged about a lot of things like shidonni, Writing words, feeding baby calf's, and Knut. We can take her camera and take a picture and we still don't have to ask. All you have to do is write and take a picture. You Should really try it. All the kids in room 4 have to take turns blogging. We Are blogging about blogging because we thought it would be funny. The blog is really cool. I love it do you? We are trying to make this long and we don't know why. We like the blog a lot and most of all we like blogging about blogging. It is fun and funny he he.

By ER & KA & CK


At choice time or recess CR and I (TP) are always on a team. We mostly play with ER and she (ER) is fun to play checkers with. When we hear the bell we always see triple and double jumps all the time.
By CR and TP


In our classroom we have AR books. We get to take AR tests. In the primary top ten ER is in third place. AM is in second place. MB is in first place. If our class get a lot of AR points then we get a party!!
By ER & JS

Monday, April 26, 2010

Mrs.Whitten's Chick's Haching

Mrs. Whitten has chicken eggs in an incubator in room 2. The chicks are hatching a little bit today. The classroom is very stinky because some of the eggs are rotten. The first graders cant wait until the eggs hatch. One of the eggs has a hole in it and there is a beak sticking out. There are two eggs that are cracked and some are going to hatch pretty soon. We love the baby chicks. The classroom eggs just hatched. Room 2 is very happy.

By LD & JC

Sunday, April 25, 2010


Once there was a mother polar bear that had two baby polar bears. They were born in Germany. The baby polar bears mother didn't know how to take care of the baby polar bears so a guy named Thomas and a guy named Andre took care of the baby polar bears. Thomas and Andre didn't name the cubs because it's unusual for newborn animals to survive more than a few days. Knut ended up surviving but his brother didn't. Knut became famous and we had fun learning about him.
By KB & TD

Thursday, April 22, 2010

A Picnic in Our Classroom

Mrs, Schimel said if we do good in speedy math we get to go on a picnic here in our classroom. We haft to get 16 math questions right in two minutes consistantly over the next few weeks! Two minutes is easy. Is it easy for you? My favorite thing in school is math.
By MM and JC

The Art Show

On Tuesday we went on the bus to the art show with the kindergartners. TD and KB found two big pair of paper glasses and TD took a picture of the glasses. One of the pairs of glasses had the ducks and the beavers and the other pair of glasses had stripes on the inside and purple on the outside. CC found another pair of glasses that also had ducks on one side and beaver on the other side. TD found KB's sisters art work.
By KB,TD and CC

Wednesday, April 21, 2010

LD Getting Baby Guinea Pigs

LD is getting a baby guinea pig for free. She wants it to be a girl. LD loves guinea pigs. At first she had a bunny then she was going to clean it's cage and it jumped off the back deck and out in the field . The man who is going to give me the guinea pigs has a doter named Vanessa. If it is a girl it might be named Daisy or Crystal. But if it is a boy it might be named Butty.
By LD & LG

Tuesday, April 20, 2010

Getting New Glasses

One day after school I went to my grandmother's house. My mom was there, my mom said," I set up an appointment for you to get your eyes checked." The doctor said," you need glasses. So now I have glasses.

Monday, April 19, 2010

Mrs.Schimel's Prestents

CC gave Mrs. Schimel some candy and a bear for her birthday. We all liked the candy. The bear is soft and cute and colorful. The colors are light brown , some dark brown, white.

By MC & CR

Math Goals

Mrs. Schimel made a sign that says "Math Goals" and the sign says, rounding to nerest 100, The second one says making money, the third one says renaming with pluse and subtraction. These are all the things we are learning.

By JC & ER

Tuesday, April 13, 2010


Mrs. Schimel gets together every Few times in the year and talks about how we our doing in school. Mrs. Schimel handed some papers out to us to get the conferences together. So we sat in our chairs to get some stuff ready. Mrs. Schimel was very proud of us.
By JC and JS

Mustang Awards

Most of the people in my class got to go to a mustang party. You had to be good to go to the mustang party. We got to have a jolly rancher Popsicle or a fudge sickle.


Pen Pal Letters

We have pen pals this year. We are pen pals with Mrs. Golter's class. SW is pen pals with W. Every once and a while they send a letter to us and every once and a while we send a letter to them.

How to Make a Book

One day I went to reading and Mrs. Schimel said," get your books." We did then Mrs. Schimel said," do you now what grope three is doing?" We said, "yes group three was making books." JC is doing a video. I am going to tell you how to make a book. First you fold the paper two times. Then you go and get somCheck Spellinge scissors. Then cut half way through the paper. Then you fold the paper a special way it is hard to tell. Then you get to make your own book. After you make your own book you can make copies of it and sell them but keep your really good one.

Lab With Room 5

Today we get to go to the Computer Lab with room 5. We're going to get on Shidonni.

Monday, April 12, 2010

Geting The Laptops Back

We had laptops for a month then we had to give them back in February. Now Mrs. S is getting them back in May.


Friday, April 9, 2010

Citizenship Assembley

Today we had a assembly about citizenship. Mr.Swencen came to our school to tell us how much we money to give to hati. We saved 565 dollers by coins and bought a drill to make 15 wells for 2000 people. We watched a video about the earthquake and rebilding the villeg.
Then the teachers and Leadership team acted out a skit. It was funny. They were teaching us that we need to treat everyone nice.

By CR & AW
